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Sertifikasi halal produk industri hasil pertanian Sulistyo Prabowo Jurnal Forum Agro Ekonomi Vol.34 No.1 2016
Characteristis and Glycemic Index Bread Subtituted Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) Bernatal Saragih, Yuliani Prosiding/International Conference (Food Innovations: Asean Economic Community Challenes) 2016
Sarapan Sehat untuk Perbaikan Gizi Anak Bernatal Saragih Artikel/ Kumpulan artikel Pemikiran Anggota PATPi 2016
Pangan, Gizi dan Kesehatan Bernatal Saragih Buku/Mulawarman Universty Press 2016
Antidiarrheatic Ability of Probiotic Candidate Laactobacillus plantarum MB427 Isolated from Mandai on Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Infected Rat Aswita Emmawati Simposium /Fourth International Symposium and Prebiotics, Probiotics andDisease Prevention 2016
Aggregation and adhesion abilities to Enterocyte-Like HCT-116 Cells of Probiotoc Candidates Lactobacillus plantarum Strain Isolated from “Mandai”, Indonesian fermented Food Against Enteropatthogens Aswita Emmawati Jurnal/International Food Research Journal 23(5): 2234-2240 2016
Study of Vitamata Consumption to Glucose, Total Cholesterol and Uric Acid on Blood Levels of the Research Subjects Anton Rahmadi, Bernatal saragih Prosiding/ The 5th International Conference of indonesian Chemical Society 2016
Production of lowCalorie Vegetable Yogurt with  Addition of Stevia Leaf Sugar and Red Dragon Fruit Marwati, Mifatkhur Rohmah Poster/The 5th International Conference of indonesian Chemical Society 2016
Effect of the Proportion of Olein and Stearin Fraction of Palm Oil Chemical  Attribute and Sensories Properties of the Margarine with the Additionof Pumpkin Juice (Curcubita moschata) Sukmiyati Agustin Poster/The 5th International Conference of indonesian Chemical Society 2016
Desain Alat Pengering Berbasis Ardunio Anton Rahmadi, Wiwit Murdianto Buku (Mulawarman Press) 2016
Desain Produk Suplemen Labu dan Minyak Sawit Merah untuk Pencegahan Kekurangan Vitamin A Anton Rahmadi, Sukmiyati Agustin, Miftakhur Rohmah, Bernatal Saragih Indonesian Scholars Journal 2016
Laju Pengeringan  Bahan Herbal dengan Prototipe Pengering Hibrid Tenaga Matahari dan Listrik Anton Rahmadi, Wiwit Murdianto Prosiding Seminar Nasional PATPI 2016
Proksimat, Fenolik, Antioksidan dan Antibakteri Kulit Buah Lepisanthes alata Anton Rahmadi, Wiwit Murdianto Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 27(2) 2016
Karakterisasi Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat dari Mandai yang Berpotensi sebagai Probiotik Aswita Emmawati Jurnal/ Agritech 35(2) 2015
Penerimaan Panelis dan Sifat Kimiawi Labu Kuning dan Fraksi Olein Sawit Anton Rahmadi, Sukmiyati Agustin, Miftakhur Rohmah Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 26(2) 2015
Pengaruh Varietas Singkong Terhadap Karakteristik Sensoris Gaplek Serut: Studi Pengembangan Pangan Non-Beras Krishna P Candra, Sukmiyati Agustin Proceeding Semnas PATPI 2015 2015
Prospecting of Canned Fermented Cassava: Developing from Local to International Food Krishna P Candra, Sukmiyati Agustin Proceeding Semnas PIT PERMI 2015 2015
Evaluation of Canned Fermented Cassava Processing Development: Promoting a New cassava Based Product Krishna P Candra International DAAD Alumni Seminar “Enhancing food and income security along agricultural commodity chains 2015
Diversity of Microbes and environment Characteristics During Decomposition of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Krishna P Candra 2nd International Conference on Advance Molecular Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering 2015
Weak Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanolic and Aqueous Extracts of Red Rambai (Lepisanthes alata) Anton Rahmadi International Conference on Food Agriculture and Culinary Tourism 2015
The Impact of Intervention Feeding parenting Women on Nutritional Status of Children in the Village Sangkima Kutai National Park East Kutai Bernatal Saragih International Conference on Food Agriculture and Culinary Tourism 2015
The Effect of Local and Imported Soybean (Glycine max L.) and Blanching Time on the Chemical and Sensory Characteristic of Soymilk Powder Miftakhur Rohmah, Yuliani International Conference on Food Agriculture and Culinary Tourism 2015
Effect of Addition of the Extract Super Red Dragon Fruit Peel (Hylocereus costaricensis) to the Quality of Candy Jelly Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) Marwati, Sukmiyati Agustin International Conference on Food Agriculture and Culinary Tourism 2015
Physicochemical Characteristics of Local Sweet Potato Flour in East Kalimantan Wiwit Murdianto International Conference on Food Agriculture and Culinary Tourism 2015
Determination of Incubation Time and Enzyme Alpha Amylase Concentration on Liquification of Gajah Casavva Starch Wiwit Murdianto, Sukmiyati Agustin International Conference on Food Agriculture and Culinary Tourism 2015
Formulation of Bawang Dayak Bulb Water Extract as Antidiabetic Instant Drink Aswita Emmawati International Conference on Food Agriculture and Culinary Tourism 2015
Sensory Evaluation of Super Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus costaricensis) Jam Prepared with the Addition of the Dragon Fruits Peel As a Sourse of Pectin Yuliani seminar Internasional (ICFACT)/ Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia (PATPI) Cabang Kaltim 2015
Pensijilan Halal: Pencabaran Penggiat Industri Halal Sejagat Sulistyo Prabowo Penerbit UPM, Selangor, Serdang, Malaysia 2014
Produk Asal Haiwan Yang Harus Diwaspadai dalam Isu Halal Kontemporari (pp.150-166) Sulistyo Prabowo Penerbit UPM, Selangor, Serdang, Malaysia 2014
Revealing Factors Hindering Halal Certification in East Kalimantan Indonesia Sulistyo Prabowo Journal of Islamic Marketing 6(2): 268-291 2014
Riset dan Perannya dalam Pembangunan Krishna P Candra Opini, Harian KOMPAS 2014
Darurat Transportasi Samarinda dan Tengah-Perbatasan Krishna P Candra Perspektif, Harian Kaltim Post 2014
Perubahan Iklim dan Tantangan Kesehatan Global Krishna P Candra Seminar Nasional Global Health 2014 2014
Revitalisasi Pertanian dalam Arti Luas Berbasis Ketahanan Pangan Krishna P Candra FGD Pengkajian Isu-isu Strategis di Kab.Kutai Kartanegara 2014
Status Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi Rekayasa Genetik di Perguruan Tinggi Krishna P Candra Sosialisasi Peluang dan Tantangan Pemanfaatan Keanekaragaman Hayati Berkelanjutan 2014
Designing a Better Performance of Tapai for Food and Development of Canned Tapai: A Future Prospects of Indigenous Fermentd Cassava Product of Indonesia Krishna P Candra, Hadi Suprapto 7th International Symposium of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (ISISM) 2014
Isolation Method of Lignocellulolitic Microbes from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Krishna P Candra 2nd International Conference On Natural Sceinces 2014
Scientific Writing Krishna P Candra International Journal Training & Seminar 2014
Effect of herbal drink plantsTiwai (Eleutherine americana Merr) on lipid profile of hypercholesterolemia patient Bernatal Saragih International Food Research Journal 21(3): 1163-1167 2014
Analisis Perilaku Positif Deviance Pemberian Makan dan Ketahanan Pangan Keluarga Miskin Bernatal Saragih Jurnal Magrobis 14(1): 1-10 2014
Indeks Glikemiks Respon Cookies Labu Kuning Bernatal Saragih Jurnal Boga dan Gizi 8(1): 11-15 2014
Tantangan Pengembangan Pangan Lokal Dalam Menghadapi Masyarkat Ekonomi Asean (Mea) 2015 Bernatal Saragih Seminar Hari Pangan 2014
Himalogista Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Universitas Mulawarman
Formulation Study and Blood Glucose Response Cereal Lepiu Bernatal Saragih International conference “FOOD FOR A QUALITY LIFE” 2014
Pandangan Prospek Ketahanan Pangan Di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Bernatal Saragih Seminar Koodinasi Daerah Kebijakan Stabilisasi Pangan 2014
Tantangan Global Dan Pencapaian Ketahanan Pangan Kaltim Bernatal Saragih Kuliah Umum Program Magister Pertanian PS Pertanian Tropika Basah 2014
Analisis Status Gizi dan ketahanan Pangan Keluarga Miskin di Kota dan Pedesaan Bernatal Saragih Seminar Nasional Fungsi Biogenik Asam Glutamat Berbasis Pangan Lokal UNIMED MEDAN 2014
Teknologi Terkini Pengembangan Pangan Fungsional Bernatal Saragih Seminar Reguler Jurusan Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan Univ. HKBP Nommensen Medan 2014
Analisis Rendemen dan Sifat Fisika-Kimia Gelatin Kulit Ikan Tenggiri (Acanthocybium solandri) Yang Diproduksi Dengan Metode Asam Yuliani Seminar Nasional Kimia (FMIPA- Universitas Mulawarman) 2014
Uji Potensi Prebiotik pada Tepung Pisang Kapas (Musa cumiculata) Termodifikasi Secara Fermentasi, Pemanasan Bertekanan, dan Siklus Pendinginan Marwati Seminar Nasional Fungsi Biogenik Asam Glutamat Berbasis Pangan Lokal UNIMED MEDAN 2014
Kajian Sifat Kimia dan Rendemen darui Tepung Biji Cempedak (Articarpus integer (Thumb.)) dengan Pengeringan yang Berbeda Marwati Seminar Nasional Kimia 2014
Kajian Proses Produksi Pulp Dan Kertas Ramah Lingkungan Dari Sabut Kelapa Krishna P Candra JTP Unmul 9(1): 16-25 2014
Indonesia Educates: Expansion of food sceince curriculum Anton Rahmadi Food Asia Pasific 1(2): 19 2014